Gas Pedal Versus Brake Pedal

In our office, we talk about this concept of the gas pedal versus the brake pedal. For our nervous system to be in balance, the gas pedal should be balanced out by the brake pedal. Think of it like this: when we’re stressed, our body goes into fight or flight mode. Our blood flow moves from our internal organs to our muscles, our non-essential systems like digestion and reproduction get down-regulated, and our adrenaline and other stress hormones up-regulate to prepare us to run from the saber-toothed tiger that wants to eat us. Even though there are no longer saber-toothed tigers after us, our bodies respond the same…


Pay It Forward

This is the time of year when we give thanks for all of the wonderful people and blessings we have. As our way of saying thank you to our community, every November we have a Pay It Forward campaign to collect non-perishable food for The Community Kitchen of Myrtle Beach. Located on Mr. Joe White Avenue, The Community Kitchen provides nutritious meals for hungry people and families in need in our community. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, they serve hundreds of meals to the hungry every day right here in Horry County. Our mission each year is to try to collect a TON, literally 2,000 pounds of food to…


Harvey Lillard and the Birth of Chiropractic

  This month, chiropractic turns 125 years old! The story of D.D. Palmer delivering the first ever chiropractic adjustment is documented in his book “The Chiropractor’s Adjuster” published in 1910. The recipient of that first adjustment was a man named Harvey Lillard, a janitor who cleaned the building where D.D. Palmer’s office was located on the fourth floor. Harvey Lillard suffered from hearing loss after an incident 17 years prior when he was in a cramped, stooping position and felt something pop in his spine. He immediately noticed the hearing loss and sought out the advice of many doctors over the years. None of these doctors were able…


COVID-19 chaos and how impACT Chiropractic can help!

Hey Friends, There’s so much information coming at us about COVID-19 and it can be scary. We know that the best thing to do right now is to make sure we’re all taking great care of each other and ourselves. Most importantly, taking care of our immune systems so that if you do come into contact with the virus, your body can fight it quickly! Here’s a quick list of things you can do to boost your immunity: GET ADJUSTED! ? We will continue business as usual over the coming weeks because we know how important a strong immune system is to fight ANY virus your body comes in contact…